1st: Balance Postures


Yoga has so many health benefits, such as strength, flexibility, energy, and vitality. I would recommend to anyone to gently stretch at some point everyday. My favorite poses for the first chakra are balance poses. These postures give you instant feedback on how your first chakra is doing and how grounded you are. If you are struggling with grounding yourself you might have a difficulty in stabilizing yourself and preventing yourself from falling over. When you are able to lower your electromagnetic center of gravity so that you are more connected to the earth, the balance postures become much easier!

You can test this out for yourself. Try standing on one leg, maybe utilizing the Tree Pose (pictured). See how much you wobble. If your first chakra is balanced and you naturally keep yourself connected to the earth, then this might be easy for you. If you constantly tilt, wiggle, or fall over then you might not be receiving energy from the earth or you are too much in your head. If this is the case, spend a few moments visualizing the color red, or roots growing out of the bottom of your feet, or donning your magnetic space-walking boots. Try it again. I can almost guarantee there is a difference!

This is also a good way of checking in with your root chakra throughout the day. Maybe you are waiting in line or doing the dishes… stand on one leg and see how grounded you are. If you are rock solid congratulate yourself for your accomplishments. If you are wiggly, then keep practicing, or stomp your feet, go for a walk barefoot, or any other first chakra exercise.

Remember to mix it up and try other balance postures. Find a yoga class near you, or watch some guided grounding meditations online. You can also ask your favorite reiki master to give your first chakra a tune-up! If you are not already seeing one regularly, then visit my sessions page for an appointment.

💜🦄 Crystal