Everything is Love! But It's not all Unicorns and Rainbows...

When you have a heart-centered perspective, then “Everything is Love!” But It’s not all Unicorns and Rainbows. Let me clarify with 11 of my beliefs about Love! (I fully recognize the bold statements I make here, and ask that you read this list with a lens of curiosity about my heart-centered perspective):

  1. Everything is Love: At the core nature of our being, we are Love. Our natural state of being is this Love. We all have Love in our hearts, otherwise we wouldn’t exist, as Love is the Lifeforce energy of consciousness. We are consciousness that focuses our lifeforce energy into a human experiences so that we can Learn, Grow, Heal, and Evolve. We are so unconditionally Loved by God/Source/Universe that we have freewill and get to use this Love however we want to. If one focuses this energy on oneself, or Love itself, through self-awareness or choosing Love, this energy multiplies itself.

  2. Choosing Love starts with Yourself: Love is a journey into yourself that begins by making a conscious choice to connect to your heart in the present moment. While the brain is smart, the heart is wise. There is so much on our spiritual-, self-awareness-, or self-love- journey that can’t be read in a book or figured out by the brain. Love is felt, fostered, and practiced. Love is chosen and intended.

  3. Love is not “All or Nothing”: When you are practicing, Remembering or embodying Love, Love is a scale between zero and infinity. No human on this planet is at zero or infinity. It is a choice in each moment to move towards zero or infinity. Everytime you practice Love you are strengthening your capacity for Love, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding.

  4. Choosing Love means opening your heart to something: Energetically, Love is opening your heart to something and allowing your lifeforce energy to shine. Conversely, judgement is closing your heart to something or not letting your light shine. Our natural state is to Love but through trauma, control, limiting beliefs, ect we restrict this Love. “I love you except when you do that” is an example of how it’s possible to share your Love with someone, but make it conditional. Forgiveness is choosing to Remember Love even if there is a reason to keep your heart closed.

  5. There is no such thing as being perfect at Love: Even if you step in to 5D and learn to Love yourself unconditionally, you can still expand your capacity for Love. Consciousness is expanding exponentially, and so are our hearts! We are on a journey of Remembering Love more fully, which means sometimes forgetting love; it is on purpose! It can take many lifetimes to Master opening your heart. So be forgiving of yourself when you forget Love.

  6. Choosing Love does not mean ignoring “what is not Love”: Life is full of contrast: Light and Dark, Love and Fear, and everything in between. Choosing Love does not mean denying the existence of either, or avoiding the parts that are painful, scary, or uncomfortable. It means recognizing that there is balance between “both sides of the coin”. It also means that you can love and accept yourself while you are experiencing either. We can Love our trauma, ego, and personal boogeymen, accept them exactly as they are, and then move through them with tools we learn along our journey (I use Reiki!)

  7. Choosing Love does not mean Staying the Same: We can Love and accept exactly where we are on our spiritual paths AND still choose to take steps forward. We can Love what we have already created and still choose create more. We can Love all of the ways we are healthy and still choose to be healthier. Love is a powerful catalyst and a necessary ingredient for creating changes in your life. You can use Love to learn, grow, heal, and evolve!

  8. Choosing Love is not Spiritual Bypassing: I don’t care who you Love, how you Love, and what you are doing while you Love, it means you are still choosing Love! As you choose Love, you open your heart, raise your vibration, and expand your consciousness. As you do this for yourself, you are making it easier for everything and everyone on the planet to choose Love. As long as you are choosing Love, practicing Love, and embodying Love, you are helping humanity in it’s ascension process. By empowering yourself with Love you are empowering yourself as a Creator! (What are you going to do with this Love?!)

  9. Choosing Love does not mean Doing Nothing: When you love yourself, love your family and friends, or Love humanity and the planet, IT WILL LEAD YOU TAKE ACTION. You will be divinely inspired by Love to do something to express this Love. For example, If I love myself I’ll help client, meditate, and go for walks. If I love my garden, I will water it and plant herbs and flowers. If I love my planet, I will use less plastic and be more mindful of how much I am driving my car. If I Love you, I’ll help you open your heart! If I Love humanity, I will follow my heart in raising its vibration and expanding consciousness. The difference is, we don’t have to choose any of these actions because we are in fear or lack. We can do these actions because of Love! Same action, but fear lacks energy and Love is powerful energy!

  10. Love is Rainbow: No one on this planet will express their Love in the same way, as well all have different roles to play. Some are activists and some are pacifists. Some are red and some are blue. Some are painters and some are musicians. Yet, as we learn Love and embody more Love, there seems to be more “middle ground”. We realize that we cannot survive alone and we cannot do everything ourselves. We can’t continue by fighting each other because of fear and judgment. Instead, we can learn to Love ourselves and others, no matter how they are expressing their Love in the world. We can come together!

  11. Love Builds Community: The internet taught us that we could build community with “like-minded” individuals, but often these communities pushed away others that believed something different than us. What Love is teaching us is that no matter who you are and what you believe, you are Love; You are Loved. And(!!!) we can Love, honor, and recognize our differences and come together anyways. We can respect our unique journeys as individuals, but come together for a common goal. Let’s make big changes by starting small, individually opening our hearts and coming together, combining our love into world changing actions.

It might be a huge shock that “Everything is Love” even when there is so much contrast to Love in the world today, such as fear, pain, and suffering. And sometimes it is very disheartening when it’s hard to find the silver lining or Love in a situation. Yet for some reason, humanity, and its freewill, is choosing all of this contrast. Love is what helps us to connect to our purpose and to understand more of the bigger picture.

Love is what guides us through all of the contrast! Imagine the heart is like a GPS unit, but instead of setting destinations we are setting intentions. (I choose Love, Sovereignty and Community… And then follow my heart!)

When we come out on the other side of adversity, we realize that all of it was on purpose and was aligned with our highest good, to help us with our spiritual evolution. And, we are so Loved, we have so much help and support to Remember Love right now.

I choose Love.

When I listen to my heart, I LOVE LOVE LOVE helping others to Remember Love. It makes my heart sing! I am living my part of the bigger picture by being myself, right here, right now, and Choosing Love, big enough, bright enough, strong enough, that I can help anyone curious about Love to Remember Love!

I choose to be a pillar of Love for humanity.

What makes your heart sing? What are your intentions?