5th: Mantras

Mantras are a great way of changing your beliefs about yourself, raising your vibration, and balancing your chakras, especially your fifth chakra!

Your fifth chakra governs your self-truth and beliefs about yourself. Self love is the most important thing for for the health of your fifth chakra; if you can’t think highly of yourself how can you expect others to? My favorite self-love mantras are “I’m Amazing!” or “I’m a Special Unicorn!” and “What if I’m on the right path?”

Our brains are conditioned to think all day and all night long, both good and bad thoughts. It seems like bad thoughts often win the battle. We can help the good thoughts win by focusing only on good thoughts. Speak your goals out loud, and say what’s good for you (rather than living on the negative side of things).

Let’s say a bad thought comes up, maybe it’s “I’m lonely.” You might even say out loud “I’m lonely” to your kitty cat or the person closest to you, only reinforcing the loneliness. It becomes easy to let that thought trigger the feeling of loneliness and separation. You might begin to believe your lonely and you could eventually spiral into a depression or not wanting to get out of bed.

Try out some Mantras to raise the vibration of your 5th chakra!

Try out some Mantras to raise the vibration of your 5th chakra!

But if we catch this thought right when it comes up and redirect it to focus on the positive side of things, we can stop the spiral before it affects our emotions or actions. Next time a thought comes up like “I’m lonely”, tell your brain, “thank you for sharing but…” and add your favorite mantra. In this case, I might choose “I am connected to the Universe” or “I am loved, adored, and cherished”, or “I am a child of God”. When you say these mantras you might feel the love your mom has for you, or notice the warmth of the kitty cat curled up on your lap, or remember the last hug you had from a friend. Embrace these feelings and memories and attach them to the mantras.

You might realize that if you love yourself, or focus on self-love practices, then the original thought of “I’m lonely” or “I’m not good enough” etc, will come up less often. And when it does come up it has less charge and less power over you. This thought is not you; it is not who you are. It is just a series of circuits and electricity firing along pathways that were created and conditioned by everything you have seen and heard up to this moment in life. Many of these thought-pathways were created by unhealthy situations, negative news, or societal pressures.

Let me repeat myself, your thoughts are not who you are. It is just the programming in your brain. You can rewrite the code by deleting old thought patterns and rewriting the code towards reinforcing good thoughts. Mantras are the easiest way to do this. You can speak mantras out loud into your mirror, while doing your dishes, or driving to work. If you are around other people and don’t want to say them out loud, that’s ok. Mantras are just as effective when you are thinking them, or maybe even more effective by feeling them and believing them!

What is your favorite mantra?
