What is an Energy Intuitive?

First, what is energy? Science shows us that energy is everything! All matter is made up of particles comprised mostly of empty space that is held together by energy. Even atoms could be described as miniature force-fields of pure energy that are continuously giving off and absorbing light and energy.

This means that our bodies are simply, but complexly, just energy. Our bodies are held together by electromagnetic waves and frequencies of light. They have focal points, convergence zones, or vortexes of this energy, that we generally recognize at chakras, auric fields, and vibrations. And I have come to find that these are not random, they are holographic and visual representations of your physical body, your mind and emotions, and of your spiritual nature.

For the second part, an Intuitive is someone who has activated and trained their intuition, or connection to the Divine, to expand their psychic abilities. Some people are born more aware with natural gifts and “superpowers” than others, and some people develop them on their spiritual path or road to awareness.

Psychic abilities can come in many forms. Many people, probably even you, have experienced a gut feeling that was true, deja vu of something that couldn’t have possibly happened yet, or knowing who is calling you before you pick up the phone. Everyone is capable of having these perceptions and developing them. It is possible to train yourself to become more intuitive, or psychic. 

So an Energy Intuitive, like me, who uses their psychic gifts and power of intention to use this energy to help heal. Healing can occur physically, mentally, and/or spiritually. This trinity is very important to keep in balance, as one corner of the triangle is affected, the other two are effected. 

What is a Reiki Master?

Reiki is a spiritual healing technique that was created in the 1920’s by Dr. Usui in Kyoto, Japan. The Japanese work (rei) means “Universal Life” and (ki) which means “Energy”. It uses the power of intention to channel light and energy from the divine, through the hands, to wherever it is needed naturally. The sessions can be performed hands-on or hands-off. 

Reiki is another name for energy; the energy that I described above, the stuff everything is made of. It is the life-force that flows through everything, even trees and rocks. You may have heard of Tai chi or Qi Gong. Both of these martial arts use this energy, or chi, to balance the body, mind, and spirit. 

Reiki can help with a wide range of health issues. A Reiki session can dramatically reduce stress in the body, especially in the central nervous system. This can positively impact a wide variety of stress-related illnesses. One could argue that all diseases are caused by stress: physical, chemical, or emotional stress. The main stress-related illnesses are insomnia, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, colds, viruses, diabetes, heart problems, and cancer. 

As Reiki Master, I was trained thru Reiki Level I, Reiki Level II, and Reiki Master with Marie Manucherhi, an Energy Intuitive based in Seattle, WA. This training has lineage directly to Dr. Usui and his teachings in Japan. 

At Reiki Level I, I was trained to open up and strengthen the energy channels in my physical body. This made it easier to allow this Universal Life-force energy to travel into me, through the heart and to my hands. I learned the energy centers of the body and self-healing techniques. 

Reiki Level II, my central energy channel was opened even more, with the focus on the heart chakra. I was trained with several Reiki symbols that allow me to more deeply connect to the universal energy, to practice reiki on others, and to provide reiki through distant sessions. 

The Reiki Master is the third level of training where I received my Master Attunement. This distinction allows me to train others with the Reiki methods, attune their bodies and energy systems, and teach the reiki symbols. I am currently not offering classes, but may in the future. Please inquire if you are interested.

While you are receiving reiki, it is common to lay on a massage table or sit in a chair.  Sometimes even in the comfort of your open bed or hospital bed! You might even feel my “hot hands” commonly associated with reiki. You may experience tingling or vibrations in your body. You may even release emotional stress by crying or physical stress by sighing and stretching. Or you may fall asleep! Great! That means your body is relaxing and absorbing the beautiful energy! 

You might feel nothing at all during the session, but three days later you notice a release of a stubborn habit. Reiki works in mysterious and wonderful ways!

What is an Ascension Mentor?

As your Ascension Mentor, I am invested in your spiritual health, personal growth, and in you reaching your fullest potential. I can help you learn new skills and techniques to manage your energy system, provide you guidance and wisdom for decision-making, or hold you accountable in the way you engage with yourself and the world around you.

Enlightenment/Ascension can be measured intuitively on an individual level by measuring how fast your heart chakra is vibrating. Collectively the human race and Mother Earth has an average vibration which also can be measured. I have trained my intuition to measure this vibration, which allows me to understand exactly where you are at on your journey, as well as the collective here on Earth.

I am finally at the place that I am comfortable saying that I am an Ascension Master. I have shown up for myself and have done the work. A few short years ago I was at my lowest point, vibrating in the third dimension. This place was very painful, confusing, and everything was dark and gray. After learning reiki and the human energy system, and training my intuition, I have raised my vibration high enough to witness pure Source. I have fully activated all dimensions of consciousness, and am now fully learning Source.

As an Ascension Mentor, I believe in a policy of complete openness and honesty. I will be the first to say that I am not a perfect person. I have flaws and faults because I’m growing too! We each are on our own path, but as they cross, or even run parallel for a while, I will be someone to help shine light on your path.

My path certainly has not been an easy one, but I have made it through the thick of it! My past and my pain have shaped me to be beautiful person that I am now. Western Medicine failed me but I was able to climb out of the trenches with the beautiful help of Reiki energy!

Reiki energy is pure Source energy. This energy is non-polarized pure white light. This allows us to utilize this energy in any of our spiritual endeavors, removing veils, releasing burdens and cords, and bringing our energy system into balance.

I have had several spiritual mentors over the years, each supplying me with their own unique approach to healing and enlightenment. Each one of them I am eternally grateful for; I wouldn’t be the healer I am today without their guidance. I found each of them by following my inner guidance and connected with those that resonated with me.

Mentors come in many flavors, shapes, and sizes. No two mentors are the same. What it comes down to is, who do you resonate with? Who can you relate to? Follow your intuition or gut feeling. Is it in your highest good for me to help you with your next step on your path?

What are my Psychic Abilities?

Psychic abilities are gifts and talents that are super human, not normal based on our physical bodies and our five senses. They are often categorized into “clairs”. These common psychic abilities are:

  • Clairsentience - clear feeling

  • Clairvoyance - clear seeing

  • Claircognizance - clear knowing

  • Clairaudience - clear hearing

  • Clairalience - clear smell

  • Clairgustance - clear taste

Born as an empath, I had spent my whole life trying to understand all of these sensations that I was having. It wasn’t until I was 31 that I knew without a doubt that I was psychic. It just wasn’t in the way I hoped. My mentors in energy work could see energy. I couldn’t and sometimes that frustrated me deeply. I wanted to be able to see energy so badly. But as I developed my “superpowers”, I realized mine are even more amazing than I could have imagined.

I have Clairsentience and Clairempathy. This means I can feel energy, I can feel emotions, I can feel peoples’ physical pain as if it were my own pain, or feel their body as if it were my own body. I’ll be thinking about my mom, and suddenly my left shoulder will hurt, so I call my mom and ask her, “why does your left shoulder hurt?” She says she slept on it funny, so I’ll send her some reiki, and presto! All better! 

Thank goodness I have a really high pain tolerance. And just knowing that the pain or the symptoms aren’t really “mine” makes it more like the perfect analytical tool, or logic puzzle than a burden. Then, through awareness and intention, I can as quickly release the connection as easily as I created it. This also works with animals, bodies or water, rocks, and trees. 

Another psychic gift I came into awareness of is my Claircognizance. It means that I can know stuff, things that I shouldn’t be able to know about. This one takes a little bit more effort for me to “get into the zone” and is a more recent revelation for me. This gift seems to come to me in nutritional advice and supplements. I might be walking thru my house and I will just know “my cats need fish oil”. They look healthy and have a shiny coat, why would they need fish oil. I jump into their bodies and realize they have dry skin and are really itchy! 

Don’t worry, I’m not usually told your deepest darkest secrets… unless they are affecting your health! Mostly “your third chakra is slow” or “take a liquid mineral supplement”. The messages I receive are usually only after I have had permission from that person. Only rarely will I be walking down the street and my intuition will say “oh, he has three girlfriends!” Fabulous! Who am I to judge? I’m the lady that talks to herself at the grocery store in purple pants and sparkle boots!

What is Sound Healing?

Sound waves are vibrations traveling through a medium such as air, that tickle our eardrums and we interpret as a tone. The waves may be generated by our vocal chords, a tuning fork, an instrument of any type, or even something falling to the floor. 

The tone or note of the sound will change based on several properties such as Frequency (cycles per second-Hertz), Amplitude (air pressure - decibels), Wavelength (physical length of the wave - meters per second). Quicker frequencies with shorter wavelengths sound like higher pitched notes. Higher amplitude sound like louder notes. 

Sound is a mechanical vibration that needs a physical substance, both for creation and transmittance. We usually use sound for our ear drums to interpret language or music. But in energy healing, we can use sound any part of the body, especially the subtle energy! Our chakras and auras have resonance with certain frequencies of sound. We can use sound to “align” or “tune” the chakra back into its ideal frequency. 

Tuning is using any sound to align chakras and auric fields, release stagnant or blocked energy, or calibrate your electromagnetic fields. Many practitioners use tuning forks, bells, or drums to tune the body. I like to use toning.

Toning in generally recognized as creating and sustaining a note with your vocal cords. Because our vocal cords allow us a wide variety of tones (several octaves) with various sounds and shapes of those tones, and they are easily and quickly manipulated, I prefer using toning in my healing work. 

What are Chakras?

Chakras are the energy centers in your body where your electromagnetic fields converge, creating focal points and vertex of light. The Hindu practice is the most commonly accepted view of chakras. They believe that there are 7 primary chakras in the body. They count from the bottom up. 

The first chakra is at the base of your tailbone, is red in color, and governs the physical body and your connection to the earth. If you have ever heard someone say “You need to ground yourself”, they are talking about activating this chakra to connect your energy system to the earth. We wouldn’t want you to float away!


The second chakra is in the lower abdomen, is orange, and governs creation. This is sometimes called the “juicy chakra” because you are creating your relationship to your reality, which means your job, your relationships, your sex, and creating babies!

The third chakra in in the solar plexus, is yellow, and governs your power. This is where your “battery” is for your energy system. It is also where your personal power and sense of self lives. It is also where your body digests to receive energy from food.

The fourth chakra is in the center of the chest, is green, and governs love and allowing. It has the highest absorption rate or receptivity of the primary chakras. The most important thing for maintaining your whole energy system lies within this chakra: self-love! Loving and forgiving yourself is a huge key in finding healthy balance, happiness, and wholeness.

The fifth chakra is in your throat, it is blue, and governs truth. Speaking your truth, not just from your head, but from your heart will help you maintain your thyroid glands. It is estimated one third of women have thyroid issues. 

The sixth chakra is in the center of your forehead, is purple, and governs knowledge. This is where intuition, foresight, and many other psychic gifts are processed, filtered, and interpreted.  It is also known as your third eye.

The seventh chakra is on the crown of your head, is usually seen as a pillar of  white light or a halo, and governs faith and divine connection. Think angels or spirit guides. It is the spirit’s connection to soul.

The first chakra points towards the earth and is paired with the seventh chakra. These two meet in the center of the heart. Each of the other five primary chakras are paired front and back. 

These seven chakras not only exist in our 3D Self, but all dimensions of our Self. Humans are multidimensional beings and in each dimension we have the seven chakras forming our energy system. So if your 3D Self, the physical body, has these seven energy vortexes starting with the root (my body exists) then your 4D Self, the human consciousness, has seven energy vortexes with the root (my consciousness exists), and then to the 5D Self, the Spirit, and the 6D Self, Oneness, and so on.

It is sometimes seen that the chakras are rungs of a ladder to enlightenment, starting with the physical body down on earth and climbing up to the heavens. Activating alls chakras will give you the sense of awareness of the bigger picture and reach a state of calmness and knowing. I take a holistic approach in that every chakra is equally important as the next. They each, and together, build and support our body, our mind, and our spirit. 

Instead of imagining that you are climbing up a ladder, consider this expansion of awareness as the construction of a pyramid. The foundation is considered the most important part of a structure to give a solid base for growing upon, this is the root chakra which governs the here-and-now. Every time we bring our awareness to the present moment it is like adding a brick to our foundation to build upon.

We do not reach higher frequencies by climbing higher, but rather expanding our heart bigger. Our heart wants to expand so it is our journey to allow our heart to expand. We do this by pulling in more energy from Earth and Source, balancing our energy system, clearing block and burdens, and surrendering to the present moment.

What is Frequency?

In spiritual context, frequency is the measurement of your vibration of your energy system. The human bio-field, or subtle energy body, operates at a various frequencies depending on the level of consciousness, or awareness. As a energy intuitive, I see your frequency as a direct correlation to how open your heart chakra is, which directly affects your level of awareness.

As we balance our energy system and pull in energy from Earth and Source, this allows the center of our energy system, the heart, to expand. This expansion requires energy, causing the particles to move quicker, raising your vibration. This vibration is sustained or raised by bringing your awareness to the present moment as often as possible, as well as connecting to Source. It is also encouraged by keeping our mind focused on creating health-promoting thoughts that produce positive emotions such as joy, happiness, and love. 

Because I can see the direct relationship between your awareness and your frequency, and because I am able to measure your frequency intuitively, I am able to measure where your awareness is. This allows me to understand where you are on your spiritual path. 

Ascension Chart.png

For example, if I measure your frequency at a seven, I can see that you have activated all of your primary chakras in your body, and that you have an understanding of your body, emotions, self-worth, love, truth, knowledge, and faith. If I measure your frequency at an eight, I know that you have expanded this awareness outside of the physical body, to include your consciousness. This jump from seven to eight is the difference between being a human looking out at the world and a conscious being observing your human experience. 

As your frequency raises you become aware of more pieces of the big picture, more understandings of a spiritual nature of your existences, a greater sense of compassion for yourself and others. 

Here is a chart that represents how I see frequency and its correlation to awareness. 

Can I use Energy Healing as a Substitute for Medical Care?

I will always recommend a complete and balanced medical team for your health care. Energy healing is a great addition to both Eastern and Western medical practices. Energy healing is not a substitute for medical treatment, nor am I able to prescribe any medicines, or claim that I cure any diseases.

My intuition may offer suggestions such as supplements, diet changes, or exercises to encourage your healing, but please consult your doctor or physician before following my advice as I am not licensed to diagnose, prevent, or cure any disease. What I can do is help balance your energy, reduce stress, and promote relaxation to help accelerate your healing processes. I am here to help you heal.

I personally use reiki on myself everyday, I have a Naturopathic Doctor as my primary care physician, as well as a chiropractic body worker, and I occasionally see western doctor specialists when recommended.

Crystal? Or Crystals?

Both! Was it a coincidence that my name is Crystal? Well, I no longer believe in coincidence, I call it congruency, being in alignment with the Universe. This is when the desires of your heart and the actions and intentions line up the Universe’s or God’s. Things that you would have never imagined become possible.

But with that said, growing up I was drawn to crystals, but didn’t realize it yet and never bought any crystals myself. I do remember that as a little girl I was given a purple amethyst with a tiny silver horse on top. I kept it for the horse and the purple, not for the crystal. I still have that crystal!

I started to really get into crystals after I had a session with a Shaman. She gave me this wonderful healing session with drums and an Akashic Record reading where she suggested I wear a crystal over my heart chakra for protection. I started my crystal collection by buying a black tourmaline necklace! I now have lots of crystals, a few necklaces and bracelets, a few as tools for Reiki, and many for Light Being Crystals.

Am I willing to trade or barter?

Yes, I trade and barter! I strongly believe in community. Anything I can do to share my unique gifts and talents with you, and vice versa is strongly encouraged.

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